B.Comp Tech




Adobe Illustrator CC (64Bit)
Task : Trace the logo using Pen Tools

First I need to find any logo from the Google and open it in Adobe Illustrator CC (64Bit). Then I created a new document of A3 size and place the picture of the logo on it. I click the layer and lock the original logo first. After that, I used Pen Tool and start to trace the logo. For the circle, I click the ruler and place it at the exact line of the circle on both side and the upper one. Then I click on the Ellipse Tool and start to click at the intersect of the guide line to get a better and accurate circle. After done tracing, I use the Eye Dropper Tool to take the exact colour from the original logo and put it on the tracing that I have done. Then I arrange it according to the original logo and select all to Group it.  




ORIGINAL -------------------------------------VECTOR

Adobe Illustrator (64bit)
Tracing picture of fruit using Mash Tool and Eyedropper Tool

For this task, first I need to search a any fruit picture at Google. After that, I open the fruit picture on Adobe Illustrator (64Bit) using a document size of A3. First I created a new layer and start to trace the fruit outline using Pen Tool. After done the tracing, I click Ctrl+Y and then click the Mash Tool. With the mash tool, I created as many line as possible in the tracing. Then I click back Ctrl+Y and start to use Eye Dropper Tool to get the colour of the fruit. I need to use it to every point on the fruit to get the better colour.






Adobe Illustrator (64bit)
Trace an old man using different kind of brushes

On this task, I need to search for an old man picture at Google. One of the black and white and another one for the colour picture. After that I created A3 size document and place the picture on it. After that I lock the picture and created a new layer. I start to click the Brush Tool and choose the brush the suit for the picture. Then I use the Eye Dropper Tool to choose the colour of the image for brushing. I started from the dark colour until the light colour. Every new colour I need to created a new layer. So I have so many layer by the end of the task. 


Adobe Photoshop (CS6)
Task : Editing a Face
This task also I need to take a face of anyone at the Google before open it on the Adobe Photoshop (CS6). I click on the Image Size and put the resolution to 300. Then I click on the picture and drag it to create a new layer. I used the Patch Tool first to edit any pimple or dark skin on the face. First I created a circle on the pimples and drag it to the skin colour that I want it to be. After that, I clicked on Filter -> Blur -> Surface Blur to adjust the texture of the skin and make it smooth. After done it, I clicked on Image -> Adjustment and start to use Levels and Curves to adjust the colour and everything. Then I drag the picture again to create a new layer and start to used Polygonal Lasso Tools. I used it first on the hair after that I click on the Image -> Variation and put the hair colour on which colour do I want it to be. After that I dragged again the picture and create another layer to make the lips. It's the same move as what I did to the hair colour. 


 Adobe Illustrator (64Bit)
Task : Illustrator Pictures

In this practice, I combine all the technique that I have learn so far. I used the Pen Tool, and also Eye Drop Tool. I also use Ctrl+Y to show the outline of the tracing. First I trace the original picture and I divided some trace into some part of layers which is each for me to trace. I start to trace the larger shape first before tracing the smaller one. At the last stage, I click Ctrl+Y to check on my outline and fixed it. 





Adobe Illustrator (64Bit)
Task : Clipping Mask

In this task,  first I choose a picture on internet. Then I used the Type Tool and type a word before clicking the Object and click Expand. I then move one by one letter nearer to attach each letter with another before select it all and go to Pathfinder and click the first shape modes. Then I open the picture that I choose in other page and drag the word that I just made to the picture. I click both of the words and the picture together and click to clipping mask. With this skill, I can also create some shape from Pen Tool to make a clipping mask with the other pictures. 


Adobe Illustrator 

First, I draw a sketch on an A4 paper and then scan it. Then I open it in AI (Adobe Illustrator CC (64Bit) and start to trace it. I used the same method as what I learn before, using pen tool to trace and put some color in it.

Adobe Photoshop
After I done tracing and coloring, I used PS (Adobe Photoshop (CS6) to add some effect by putting in a crumple paper at the back of the artwork and choose what kind of effect that can match the artwork.



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