Digital Animation


 For the first task, I learned basic about how to move shape. First I opened up AI and clicked New. I choose Video and Film for profile and  size of HDV 1080

After that, I start to draw Rectangle using the Rectangle tool.

Save the shape and open the file in the Adobe After Effect (AE) by dragging the AI to the left side on the project space. Then I started to animate the box by changing the position and size at some part and lastly doing the rotation to make the box rotate once.

Lastly I clicked for the motion blur as I circled at the picture below to make the box move smoothly.

This is the video for the box :


For this week, I learned how to do the Motion Graphic. First I opened the Photoshop and put in the video that I want to do. Make sure I change the up one at the right side to "Motion"

Then I used the Brush Tool to brush out the outline of the owl with many different colours. using another layer. 

This is the video of my motion graphic :


This week, I learned about Parralex movement.This parralex movement is for a picture that you can see and we move it using the Puppet Tool to make it look like the picture can move. 

I used 3 pictures for this task. First, I opened Adobe Photoshop with the image. Then i used the Polygonal Lasso Tool to select the area that need to be deleted. After that I used the Clone Stamp Tool to copy the part that been deleted closely to the colour around it.

 It need to be separated for the background, foreground and the middle one.

 After done all, save the file to open it up at Adobe After Effect

Opened the file by dragging it to the project and pull the pictures to the composition.

I started to arrange the scale, position and the camera option and make the picture looks more real with changing the background far and the foreground could be near to the camera.

For the last step, I move the camera to zoom in.

At the end, I just use simple text and type "Motion Graphic"  and then put some effect.

This is my Parralex Video :


This week, I learned how to make words move following the movement of the video called Track Motion. First I put the video in the Adobe After Effect and cut it to the scene that I want. Then I used the type tools to type the word "moving fast forward"


 After that, I clicked for the Null Object for the layer which has nothing in it.

 I also clicked the tracker button.

 Then I used the tracker and clicked the video before clicking the track motion for it to track every motion in the video. I used two point and make it follow the skateboard movement. Then I clicked on the play button on the tracker place to let it track until the end and some part in the middle were not following the skateboard, so I move the point a little in the middle.

 Then I clicked on the text layer and linked it by clicking the "none" at the layer to change it to track motion layer.

 This is my Track Motion Video :


 For this week, I learned to do a Rotobrush on trailer. I choose some trailer first and put it in the Adobe After Effect. 

After cutting the video to the part that I want, I used the Rotobrush tool at the circle as I showed in the picture below and start to  paint the place where I want it to be rotobrush. the green paint will start to trace by its own. Some part will be no need for the traces, so i used Alt + mouse to click the part that is no used.

Then, I clicked back to the composition and try to add some track motion by typing some words.

I used the same method that I used in the Track Motion task and then start to track the words move the same movement with the eyes.

This is the video :


 For final assignment, I was assigned in a group of three people with Hui and Jing Ting to do a short clip of funny animation.

Our idea is about ghost and a child which is the ghost trying to scared the child but the child did not know and lastly the ghost got hit by the toy.

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